Holly was pretty sleepy when I got in this morning. Considering she had just gotten another shot of Benadryl that wasn't surprising. Considering she had gone to her exit class at 10 am I was amazed she had the energy to talk to me at all. She enjoyed her oatmeal and is feeling less pain. I missed all this because I finally got a good night sleep. Dr. Dunn, her surgeon, stopped by on her way to somebody else's procedure (the beat goes on). She says Holly is still on track to go home tomorrow. They are waiting on some additional lab results to confirm where she's at. I'm sure the occupational therapist will be here again today for some more work and evaluation. I can't remember ever being so happy to watch someone sleep before this.
The big celebration is that Cheryl is going home this morning. I talked to her and her mother and Cheryl is looking forward to a more relaxed setting.