Folks have been asking if we've noticed any changes since Holly received her new team member. Its been hard to tell in some ways because of the post operative recovery. The first day she could only have an ice chip every five minutes or so since she could not handle drinking normally yet. Since then, I noticed no more pica for ice. Even when I offered to go get her some later she wasn't interested. This makes my life hard since that used to be an easy way to make someone happy. Holly was just telling someone that once she was drinking on her own they took her IV away but the new kidney was working so hard she started to dehydrate so they kept the extra drip. Those were probably the first things I noticed that things were changing.
One recurring theme for both of us is how important sleep has been for our well-being through this recovery process. Of course in the land of hourly vitals and under the rules of steroids Holly had some rough times. I had some trouble sleeping both with anxiety and schedules. At times we were both a little raggedy. After the clinic visit today we had naps and since are feeling more on our respective games. Mine being a quicker more sprightly one to support hers as she comes little by little back up to speed.
For the first time in almost exactly a week Holly is checking her e-mail. See... ....yet more progress.