I alluded to troubled sleep in the last post -- well, it's sure troubled.
Thanks to an oversupply of phosphorus -- which binds to calcium in your body thanks to that old proton-electron stuff -- remember your chemistry? I'm suffering from low calcium and the phosphorus is probably leaching calcium from my bones.
As soon as I'm transplanted, this will change, thank heavens. But until then, my muscles twitch and cramp, especially as I'm falling asleep. I do full-body jerks where my torso and legs fly up from the mattress, plus stray limb twitches. Fortunately, they don't keep me up long -- I just fall back on the bed and back to sleep.
I do wonder, though, if the toxins in my body -- including my brain -- are responsible for my other symptoms.
Randy reports nearly every morning on something I've yelled in my sleep -- mostly dreams where someone's trying to break in, the dogs have gotten loose or I'm chasing someone off. "You get the hell out of here!" I'll yell perfectly clearly. Or "Grab her! Stop her!"
Randy says when this first started a couple years ago, the dogs would start up and look at him like "Aren't we going to rescue her?" Now, they just start up, look at him and put their heads back down to sleep.
Fortunately, he can view these announcements with humor -- he currently sleeps across the hall behind a closed door!