Saturday, May 15, 2010

Back in business

After a quick visit last Thursday, I'm back at work, thank goodness.
This is a place where I've worked with nearly 100 bright, funny, talented people coming in and out of the Editorial department alone.

A place where a receptionist and a typist refer to themselves as my "moms away from Mom."

A place that feels like a second home and a second family.

A place that, oddly enough for a business where you work with the news and constant change, has been an island of permanence and sanity for me during the toughest times.

People there have sent cards, e-mails and prayers -- even the war veteran who ever since returning "doesn't pray much anymore" said he'd make an exception for me.

Is it the slings and arrows of suburban politicians that bind us together? Is it the fact we'll assuredly "never get rich"?

Whatever it is, it feels so good to be back among my friends, pursuing creative work and doing something that matters.