Saturday, November 13, 2010

Day over day

-- by Randy

I got in to the hospital later than I planned because there is 6 inches of snow on the ground. I got enough shoveled so that there is so there it is clear around the door so if someone needs to see the dogs they don't have a whole days worth of snow to get through. It's going to take me a couple days to get the drive way done at this rate. Of course it is a pretty snow and probably wont last the week. I only wish it was next weekend.

When I did get to the hospital Holly's bed was elevate a bit she said they had her sitting The therapist wanted to do it yesterday but she was not up to it. She said it felt a bit "wild." She no longer has the finger tip oxygen/heart rate monitor on her finger so that's one less monitor, which is a small progress she still has the stomach tube so that they can remove stomach fluids because she had some nausea in April and with this incision they wanted to avoid any nausea. Also I don't think there is much in terms of peristalsis restarting so this just one other body function that has to be managed as Holly's body re-establishes its self regulation or homeostasis.

About the time I got there a tray of food, really various clear liquids, showed up. Holly hadn't ordered it and tried to send is back but the order was for her. So she elevated the bed a bit more and tried some broth. She did well negotiating the spoon around the stomach tube. Then she put the bed back and went to sleep.

So just as the snow slowly piles up over the day Holly incrementally makes small improvements back to health.

It is amazing how visible the progress is from day to day. Yesterday she was zonked out consistently . Today she is eating a little and a little less zonked.