She's Randy's sister Karen's daughter and, her mom reports, has developed a real empathy over the last year.
"I sat down with her and explained what people's kidneys do for them and the fact yours weren't working well anymore," Karen told me. "And I told her that because people can get along with one rather than two, your friend Cheryl volunteered to give you one of her kidneys.
"She looked up at me and said 'I'm so glad Miss Cheryl could help Aunt Holly!'"
Maggie and her older brother Michael have been praying for Cheryl and me with their classrooms at school. Being the recipient of prayers from those direct minds, those pure hearts, is just awe-inspiring.
I'm not good at praying for myself, and am just so grateful to everyone who is keeping us in mind. People I knew as a girl in Crystal Falls, people my in-laws have known since college, people at Bethel and at Cheryl's and our church, people I've never met. The reassurance of knowing all of you out there are lifting us up goes beyond words.
And you know what? Cheryl may have given me a "great little kidney." I may be a pretty determined (or "bullheaded") patient. But my progress is astonishing health professionals across the board.
Your prayers are working!